Drinking Games

3 Man Drinking Game (How to Play + 4 Rules!)


The “3 Man” Drinking Game is an interactive game that gets the group rolling dice, drinking, and yelling dice results together. One person will get the brunt of the drinking for some time, so be kind to your neighbors, otherwise you may end up as 3 Man. Below we walk you through how to play the 3 Man Drinking Game along with some rules to add to the fun!

Four friends laughing in pajamas, including two men high-fiving
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

3 Man Drinking Game

What You Need to Play 3 Man Drinking Game

3 Man is a dice game, so you need 2 dice. Other than that, it’s just people and beverages needed to put the fun in motion.

  • 2 dice
  • 3+ people
  • Beverage of choice

How to Start 3 Man Drinking Game

To start, you must establish who the 3 Man is. Take turns rolling the dice and whoever is first to roll a 3 or a 1 & 2 together (1+2=3) becomes the 3 Man. The 3 Man drinks the most in this game.

Once the 3 Man is established, the only way the 3 Man can un-become the 3 Man is to roll a 3 or 1 & 2 themselves. Once they do that, they can assign the role of 3 Man to whoever they’d like.


If you have a larger group (8+), you can consider establishing two 3 Men to keep the group more involved and so the 3 Men can drown their sorrows together.

One die reading 3

How to Play 3 Man Drinking Game

  1. The roller rolls the dice
  2. If any of the following results come up, the group announces it together and the drinking ensues. The roller then gets to roll again.
    • 3 Man – 3 Man drinks when 3 comes up on either die or 1 & 2 come up together (1 + 2 = 3)
    • 7 – Person to the Left of the roller drinks
    • 11 – Person to the Right of the roller drinks
    • Doubles – Roller hands out the dice to potentially drink double
  3. If any other results appear on the dice, pass the dice to the left for the next person to roll.

3 Man

The role of the 3 Man is prized by some and loathed by others. The 3 Man will inevitably drink more than everyone else because they have a designated number requiring them to drink. If a 3 comes up on either die rolled, or a 1 & 2 come up together, the group announces, “3 Man!” and the 3 Man drinks.

Three dice showing 3, 2, and 1

Sometimes a 3 will come up in concert with another result:

  • 3 + 4 -> 3 Man, 7
  • 3 + 3 -> 3 Man, Doubles

In these cases, announce them in succession with 3 Man coming first: “3 Man, 7!” or “3 Man, Doubles!” Then all pertinent parties drink or roll in the case of doubles (see below). And yes, if the 3 Man is to the left of the roller and 3+4 come up, the 3 Man must drink twice!

7 – Left | 11 – Right

These are pretty self-explanatory. If the combination of dice rolled equals 7 (6+1, 5+2, 4+3), the person to the left of the roller drinks. If the dice equal 11 (6+5), the person to the right of the roller drinks.


If doubles are rolled (1+1, 2+2, 3+3, 4+4, 5+5, 6+6), what follows next is a challenge:

  1. The roller hands the doubles out to one or two players at the table.
  2. The player(s) then must roll the dice.
    • If they do not roll doubles, they must drink for the number of seconds that come up on the dice. Then the original roller continues with the regular 3 Man game.
    • If they do roll doubles, they pass the dice back to the original roller, who must roll doubles again.
      • If the original roller does not roll doubles, the roller must drink double what’s on the dice.
      • If the original roller does roll doubles, the roller sends the dice back to the doubles rollers, who must roll doubles or drink triple now that the dice have been passed back and forth three times.
      • Then quadruple, then quintuple, etc. if doubles keep getting rolled (highly unlikely)

Once someone fails to roll doubles, they drink and the dice go back to the original roller, who continues the regular 3 Man game.

Two dice each reading 6

How to Win 3 Man Drinking Game

3 Man is less about winning and more about not losing. If you are the 3 Man for an hour, you have had your fair share of drinks, so you are probably the loser. The game only ends when the group drinks too much or is ready for a new activity, so keep an eye on how much you’re drinking to stay safe!


3 Man Drinking Game is a fun way to get the group involved and yelling dice results together. It’s very interactive so if you’re hanging out with new people, it will break the ice quickly and lightheartedly. As always, please drink responsibly, know your limits, and have fun!

Do you want to play another interactive game that gets you up off the couch? Try Rage Cage Drinking Game to get your adrenaline pumping!