Drinking Games

Cheers to the Governor (How to Play + 35 Good Rules!)


Cheers to the Governor is a classic game with no barriers to entry. All you need is people, while beverages of course help as well. The game is simple in theory, but the twists you add in will make it much more difficult and hilarious at the same time. Below we walk you through how to play Cheers to the Governor and provide some Cheers to the Governor rules while we’re at it.

Friends toasting at an outdoor restaurant patio table
Photo by Fred Moon on Unsplash

Cheers to the Governor

How to Play Cheers to the Governor

Cheers to the Governor is a game where you sit in a circle with friends and count to 21 in clockwise fashion. The first person says 1, the person to their left says 2, the next person 3, and so on and so forth. Once you get to 21, the group says, “Cheers to the Governor!” and drinks. Sounds easy, right?

It might be easy at first, but not for long. Once you get to 21, whoever 21 happens to land on gets to make a rule for a specific number. For example, you could use the rule that “instead of saying 3, you have to make an animal sound.” See more example rules further down this post.

Then the group starts counting from 1 again. Whoever made the rule starts by saying 1, the person to their left says 2, then the person to their left must make an animal sound instead of saying 3. If that person messes up by saying 3 or doing anything other than making an animal sound, they drink, and the group has to start over from 1 again. Whoever messes up typically starts with 1 in the next round.

Once you make it back to 21 (likely after some mess-ups), whoever 21 happens to land on makes a rule for a different number (different than 3 in the example above). The group would then have two rules they need to follow on the way up to 21. This pattern continues until you have a rule for every number.

Typically you will have a couple starting rules to get the group in the playing mindset. Swapping 7 and 14 is the most common. Never saying 21 is another common one. That way you’re not just counting in round 1. It’s your game though, so it’s totally up to you and the group!

There will be a lot of messing up throughout the game and that’s the fun of it. It’s a team effort to get to 21 every time, so you get to cheer each other on, celebrate each other’s triumphs, and share each other’s shame after forgetting to make the animal sound or follow whatever creative rules you come up with.

How to Win Cheers to the Governor

If you create a rule for every number and make it all the way to 21 as a team, you win Cheers to the Governor. This rarely happens though. Keep in mind you’re likely drinking, so team members might easily get distracted and redirect their attention after a while.

Please drink responsibly and have fun with it! Don’t be that guy who takes it too seriously and actually gets angry when people mess up. Get creative, have some laughs, and enjoy the fun with old and maybe new friends.

Bottom line: If you have a good time playing, you win!

Good Cheers to the Governor Rules

The potential rules out there are infinite, but below is a list of good Cheers to the Governor rules that will keep the fun and beverages flowing.

Starting Rules

  1. Swap 7 and 14 (1,2,3,4,5,6,14,8,9,10,11,12,13,7,15,16,17,18,19,20,21)
  2. Never say 21 (Cheers and celebrate, but don’t say that number)

Number Variation Rules

  1. Say the number in a different language
  2. Say the number in a different accent
  3. Skip the number
  4. Say a different number

Song and Dance Rules

  1. Sing the number
  2. Sing a specific song
  3. Sing any song
  4. Dance a specific jig (e.g., robot, macarena)
  5. Dance any jig
  6. Make an instrument sound
  7. Make an instrument sound with your mouth
  8. Drumroll

Number Replacement Rules

  1. Compliment X person
  2. Poke fun at Y person
  3. Poke fun at yourself
  4. Make an animal sound
  5. Do an impression
  6. Flex your muscles
  7. Say something in a category (movies, bands, types of cereal, etc.)
  8. Say a country, state, city, any place, etc.
  9. Say a specific phrase
  10. Say a dirty word
  11. Say something embarrassing about yourself
  12. Blow a raspberry
  13. Tell a joke
  14. Quote a movie (could be any movie, a specific movie, a specific actor, a specific character, etc.)

Redirection Rules

  1. Switch the direction of the counting
  2. Point at the person to go next
  3. Look at the person to go next
  4. Wink at the person to go next
  5. Smile at the person to go next
  6. Say the name of the person to go next
  7. Say the name of the person to the right (or left) of the person to go next

Incorporating any of the Cheers to the Governor rules above will keep the group on their toes and keep the good times rolling while you play.

A group of beer glasses being clinked to cheers
Photo by Yutacar on Unsplash


Cheers to the Governor is one of those games where it’s difficult to not have fun. Get creative. Get silly. Laugh at yourself when you mess up (don’t forget to drink). Laugh with others when they mess up. And enjoy it. As always, please drink responsibly, know your limits, and have fun!

If you are looking for some more physical activity while still keeping the drinks and laughs flowing, try playing Rage Cage!